Odsłon: 1446
Odwiedzających: 1345
Dana runs for Rak'n'Roll Foundation!
UPDATE: I have finally obtained the race number! It's 20137! But it doesn't mean it's the end, it is just starting! Now, let's give a ball of energy to Rak'n'Roll family!
I decided to run my first half marathon after the death of my father. He died just six months after diagnosis of cancer. It was a bad time for my whole family.
But... Few months later—when I came to terms with fate—I thought, Hey, there are other families that are faced with cancer right here and right now! How could I help them?
One quick googling, and, boom! A charity run! I heard about Foundation Rak'n'Roll. Wygraj życie! (Cancer'n'Roll Foundation. Win a life!) from film 'Joanna' that shows in a beautiful way a Polish woman and her fight with cancer. By the way, Chustka's blog is really amazing — she was a perfect mother, daugther and Non-wife.
In March, 2017 I started my run on behalf of Rak'n'Roll — here's website of my past fundraising: https://rejestracja.maratonwarszawski.com/pl/charity/2196
As I love cats, I ran with my cat ears.
In September I've moved from Wroclaw, Poland to Glasgow, Scotland to finish my studies. And, of course, first step after university acceptance was a registration for Great Scottish Run Half Marathon in Glasgow. I chose Cancer Support Scotland, and that time I've run with my cat ears, cat tail and cat apron :) At every mile checkpoint was a piper... What a moving Scottish accent!
So in March I would like to run again in Warszawa, because it was... Ah, just fantastic! I hope I will have some other cat stuff to have fun with other runners and everyone who will watch our race :)
Thanks a lot, meows, and a ball of energy!
Moje wyzwanie
If we collect such amount of money, I will try to run in 2:00:00!
Fundacja Rak'n'Roll. Wygraj Życie!
Fundacja Rak’n’Roll. Wygraj Życie! zmienia schematy myślenia o chorobie nowotworowej i działa na rzecz poprawy jakości życia chorych. Pomaga przechodzić przez raka: leczyć się godnie, żyć dobrze i z radością. Tworzy programy, które są odpowiedzią na luki w systemie, a dotyczą potrzeb chorych i ich bliskich. Wobec rosnącej skali problemu, utrudnia życie rakowi. Działa na rzecz zdrowych wyborów, zachowań i otaczania siebie troską na co dzień. więcej »
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przeznaczane na utrzymanie i rozwój akcji #BiegamDobrze oraz inne cele statutowe Fundacji „Maraton
Warszawski”. Regulamin »