Odsłon: 170

Odwiedzających: 84

Timothy is running for Polskiej Akcji Humanitarnej

On September 29th, 2024, I will be running the 46th Warsaw Marathon. (BTW: £1 = 5 PLN)

Moje wyzwanie

Help Me Run (or Waddle) for a Great Cause! 🏃‍♂️ I hope this message finds you well and in better shape than I am! I’m reaching out with a mix of excitement and, let’s be honest, a bit of dread. After a long hiatus, thanks to our not-so-friendly pandemic, I’ve decided to lace up my running shoes again and tackle the Warsaw Marathon. Yes, you read that right—26.2 miles of pure determination, sprinkled with a good amount of sweat, tears, and maybe a few desperate pleas to the running gods. Now, here’s the catch. I’m not exactly the lean, mean running machine I once was. Let’s just say I’ve got a bit more… "padding" since my last marathon. But this time, the challenge isn’t just about crossing the finish line; it’s about supporting an incredible cause that’s close to my heart. As I prepare to tackle those 26.2 miles, I’m also raising funds for Polish Humanitarian Action (Polskiej Akcji Humanitarnej). This incredible organization provides crucial aid to people in need, from delivering food and water in crisis areas to supporting refugees and helping communities recover from disasters. Their work is nothing short of life-changing, and I’m honoured to support them through this run. My goal is to raise £400 (or more :)), and I’d love your help in reaching it. Whether you can spare a little or a lot, every pound will be a huge boost—not just to the foundation, but also to my morale as I huff and puff my way through the streets of Warsaw! If nothing else, think of this as your chance to make a small donation and earn a front-row seat to the mental image of me wheezing my way to the finish line, one donut-shaped step at a time. Plus, if I make it through this, maybe I’ll even fit back into my pre-COVID jeans (wishful thinking, I know). Thank you so much for considering a donation. It means the world to me and even more to the children and families this foundation supports. Wish me luck (and maybe send a few prayers my way)! With gratitude and a side of sore muscles, Tim xxx Just a reminder: £1 = 5 PLN
Timothy zebrał już :
1 012
Moje wyzwanie : 2 000 zł

Polska Akcja Humanitarna

Od 30 lat niesiemy pomoc osobom poszkodowanym w wyniku katastrof naturalnych i konfliktów zbrojnych na całym świecie. Życie i zdrowie drugiego człowieka jest dla nas najważniejsze. Obecnie działamy w Sudanie Południowym, Kenii, Somalii, Madagaskarze, Jemenie, Polsce i Ukrainie. Prowadzimy także działania w Syrii. Pomóż nam docierać tam, gdzie pomoc jest najbardziej potrzebna! więcej »

90% zebranej kwoty trafia na konto wybranej organizacji dobroczynnej, 10% zebranej kwoty jest przeznaczane na utrzymanie i rozwój akcji #BiegamDobrze oraz inne cele statutowe Fundacji „Maraton Warszawski”. Regulamin »