Odsłon: 419

Odwiedzających: 366

I'm running my first marathon - please, support!

Hey hey,

Running brings a lot of benefits to health and overall well being. It improves cardiovascular fitness, strengthens muscles and lets you burn thousands of calories (especially if you're preparing yourself for a 42k jog). Running marathons is positive, I'm sure you know it, but running and raising money at the same time beats it all.

To make a positive impact, not only for myself but also for others, I have chosen to raise money for a cause. For this occasion, I choose to support Amnesty International. Amnesty International has a fantastic history of fight for human rights and equality. The organization takes actions on many fields, from armed conflicts and crimes against humanity, through freedom of speech to climate change and many other areas where basic human rights are assaulted.  

If you are curious, please click on the links below to visit Amnesty International website: 
... or look up the Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaimed by United Nations shortly after the Second World War: 

Very simple, yet powerful document. 

Thanks a lot for spending a minute and reading this message. My marathon takes place on 24th September in Warsaw, which is by the way the oldest annual marathon in Poland.
I would greatly appreciate if you could contribute to Amnesty International and support me on my run in September. 

Any donation will be greatly appreciated. No matter if it is 10PLN or 10 Euro - thanks to each of you for contributions and support on my venture. 

I will keep you posted with updates. 

Thanks a lot and see you next time! 
Piotr zebrał już :

Amnesty International

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