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Dana runs for Rak'n'Roll Foundation!

UPDATE: I have finally obtained the race number! It's 20137! But it doesn't mean it's the end, it is just starting! Now, let's give a ball of energy to Rak'n'Roll family!

I decided to run my first half marathon after the death of my father. He died just six months after diagnosis of cancer. It was a bad time for my whole family.

But... Few months later—when I came to terms with fate—I thought, Hey, there are other families that are faced with cancer right here and right now! How could I help them?

One quick googling, and, boom! A charity run! I heard about Foundation Rak'n'Roll. Wygraj życie! (Cancer'n'Roll Foundation. Win a life!) from film 'Joanna' that shows in a beautiful way a Polish woman and her fight with cancer. By the way, Chustka's blog is really amazing — she was a perfect mother, daugther and Non-wife.

In March, 2017 I started my run on behalf of Rak'n'Roll — here's website of my past fundraising:
As I love cats, I ran with my cat ears.

In September I've moved from Wroclaw, Poland to Glasgow, Scotland to finish my studies. And, of course, first step after university acceptance was a registration for Great Scottish Run Half Marathon in Glasgow. I chose Cancer Support Scotland, and that time I've run with my cat ears, cat tail and cat apron :) At every mile checkpoint was a piper... What a moving Scottish accent!

So in March I would like to run again in Warszawa, because it was... Ah, just fantastic! I hope I will have some other cat stuff to have fun with other runners and everyone who will watch our race :)

Thanks a lot, meows, and a ball of energy!


My challenge

If we collect such amount of money, I will try to run in 2:00:00!
Dana has already collected :
Race kit
My target : 777 zł

Rak'n'Roll - Win Your Life! Foundation.

Rak'n'Roll - Win Your Life! Foundation changes the way of thinking about cancer and works to improve the quality of life of patients. It helps to get through cancer: go through treatment with dignity, live joyfully and well. It creates programs that respond to gaps in the healthcare system and addresses the needs of patients and their relatives. Due to the increasing scale of the problem, the Foundation makes life difficult for cancer, working for healthy choices, behaviors and self-care every day. więcej »

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