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Paolo is running for Amnesty International

Dzien dobry! Witaj! W dniu 26 marca, bede biegl w 12-tym Polmaratonie Warszawskim. To będzie mój drugi bieg w Polsce, ale pierwszy na cele charytatywne. Biegne z Amnesty bo biegne dla praw czlowieka - praw kazdego z nas, niezaleznie od naszego statusu, religii czy koloru skory, w roznych krajach lub kontynentach.

To nie mnie wspierasz w tej akcji - wspierasz Amnesty oraz wiel osób i rodzin, których prawa sa naruszane. Nawet niewielka kwota może mieć duże znaczenie. Wspólnie możemy pomóc ludziom, których prawa sa lamane i naruszane - a dzieje sie to czesciej niz moze nam sie zdawac.

on March 26 I'm running Warsaw half marathon. This is not my first race in Poland but first for a charity. I'm running for Amnesty because I'm running for the human rights that are broken and violated every day. I'm running for the rights that we are all entitled to regardless of our status, creed, race or religion, regardless of the country or the continent we were born in.

It's not me you are supporting in this action - it's Amnesty International and the rights of people they fight for that will benefit from your support. Even a small amount will make a huge difference. Together, we can help the people whose rights are being violated on a regular basis - and it happens more often than you can imagine.

Grazie and see you at the Start line!
Dziękuję i do zobaczenia na starcie!


My challenge

Nie biegam bardzo szybko ale staram sie biegac czesto. Moj personalny rekord w polmaratonie to 1 godz, 51 minuty i 23 sekundy. W Warszawie postaram sie pobic ten rekord, albo przynajmniej przybiec w mniej niz 2 godziny. Jezeli mi sie nie uda przybiec na mete w mniej niz dwie godziny, to przekaze 1 zl za kazda sekunde roznicy miedzy dwiema godzinami a moim personalnym rekordem. Czyli: 2 h (7,200 sec) - 1h 51' 22 (6,682 sec)= 518 sec = 518 PLN I don't run very fast but I try to run as often as I can and have good chance to finish below 2 hours. My personal best in half marathon is 1 h 51 mins and 23 seconds. In Warsaw I will try to beat this, or at least to reach the finish line in less than two hours. If I make it in less than two hours, I will give 1 PLN for every second of the difference between 2 hours and my race time. In a nutshell: 2 hrs (7,200 sec) - 1h 51' 22 (6,682 sec) = 518 sec = 518 PLN
paolo has already collected :
3 426
Race kit
My target : 518 zł

Amnesty International

We are a global movement of over 7 million people, who are fighting for human rights. We want to live in a world, where there is no place for discrimination and every civil person is protected during armed conflicts. We stand on the side of those convicted of their views, and we believe that those, who violate human rights should be judged. So far, our advocacy activities changed legacy systems in many countries. Join Human Rights Team and inspire people to fight against injustice in this world! więcej »

90% zebranej kwoty trafia na konto wybranej organizacji dobroczynnej, 10% zebranej kwoty jest przeznaczane na utrzymanie i rozwój akcji #BiegamDobrze oraz inne cele statutowe Fundacji „Maraton Warszawski”. Regulamin »