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Tired Miki is running for the 'Empowering Children Foundation'

On September 25th I will be running in the Warsaw Marathon for a fantastic charity that does some truly worthwhile work for abused children who have had a very difficult start in life (the charity is somewhere between the British NSPCC and 'Childline').
Please help me to help them. THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Miki.
More information about the charity below.

£1 = 5 PLN

25ego września, będę biegać w PZU Maraton Warszawski. Fundacja charytatywna ktora wybrałam robi naprawdę wartościowe prace dla dzieci, którzy mieli trudny start w życiu
Proszę mi pomóc, aby im pomóc. DZIĘKUJĘ WAM BARDZO! Miki

My challenge

For every donation over £20, you get a night's free accommodation in London together with breakfast!!!
Miki has already collected :
4 550
Race kit
My target : 3 400 zł

Empowering Children Foundation

For the last 26 years, the Empowering Children Foundation has been striving to make sure all children have a safe childhood and are treated with respect for their dignity and subjectivity. We protect children from harm and help those who have experienced violence to know their rights, believe in themselves and enjoy life. więcej »

90% zebranej kwoty trafia na konto wybranej organizacji dobroczynnej, 10% zebranej kwoty jest przeznaczane na utrzymanie i rozwój akcji #BiegamDobrze oraz inne cele statutowe Fundacji „Maraton Warszawski”. Regulamin »