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Miki is running for Polish HUMANITARIAN ACTION (PAH)

£1 = 5 PLN
On 29 September 2024 I will run the Warsaw Marathon. I am running for the charity PAH. They provide aid regardless of nationality, race, religion. They work in Ukraine, Somalia, Yemen, Sudan, Gaza and many other war-torn or poor areas. Below (I've used the 'MY BLOG' below left for the link) is their website in English. Please help me to help them.
£1 = 5 PLN

My challenge

£1 = 5 PLN 'Naproxen' (see 2nd photo) is what will get me through so it gets the main photo!!.....(Sad knees & asthma). Help me to help this great charity. THANK YOU! "Naproxen" jest tym, co pozwoli mi przetrwać, więc dostaje główne zdjęcie! ..... (smutne kolana i astma). Pomóż mi pomóc tej wspaniałej organizacji charytatywnej. DZIĘKUJĘ!
Miki has already collected :
1 430
Race kit
My target : 3 000 zł

Polish Humanitarian Action

For 30 years, we have been helping people affected by natural disasters and armed conflicts around the world. The life and health of other people is the most important to us. We currently operate in South Sudan, Kenya, Somalia, Madagascar, Yemen, Poland and Ukraine. We also operate in Syria. Help us reach where help is needed most! więcej »

90% zebranej kwoty trafia na konto wybranej organizacji dobroczynnej, 10% zebranej kwoty jest przeznaczane na utrzymanie i rozwój akcji #BiegamDobrze oraz inne cele statutowe Fundacji „Maraton Warszawski”. Regulamin »