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Alexandra is running for Polskiej Akcji Humanitarnej

On 29 September, I will be running the 10k portion of the Warsaw Marathon in support of Polish Humanitarian Action (PAH), an NGO providing crucial aid to those affected by armed conflict, climate crises, and natural disasters. PAH holds a special place in my heart, not only because two of my best friends, Maja and Rebecca, have been passionately working for PAH over the last years, but also because I have witnessed PAH's incredible support for refugees and displaced persons following the outbreak of the war in neighboring Ukraine.

By donating to my run, you will help PAH build a well in the village of Andranolaliky, Madagascar, providing vital access to clean water for the community. Your contribution will have a meaningful impact on the lives of those in need.

Thank you for your support!

My challenge

Finish the run under an hour and with a big smile on my face :)
Alexandra has already collected :
Race kit
My target : 250 zł

Polish Humanitarian Action

For 30 years, we have been helping people affected by natural disasters and armed conflicts around the world. The life and health of other people is the most important to us. We currently operate in South Sudan, Kenya, Somalia, Madagascar, Yemen, Poland and Ukraine. We also operate in Syria. Help us reach where help is needed most! więcej »

90% zebranej kwoty trafia na konto wybranej organizacji dobroczynnej, 10% zebranej kwoty jest przeznaczane na utrzymanie i rozwój akcji #BiegamDobrze oraz inne cele statutowe Fundacji „Maraton Warszawski”. Regulamin »