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Skolian runs for preterm babies

Hi Everyone,

My name is Yulian and I am going to run (or walk, if my knee acts out) Warsaw marathon on 24th of September.

Even though this is my first marathon, it is not my first 'race'. Nevertheless, this time, I want to do things differently - this time, I want to help others with my running.

I've decided, I want to raise some funds for preterm babies. Out of options presented for donations I chose Fundacja Wcześniak Rodzice-Rodzicom whose help I've seen in the hospital where my own daughter was born. I have seen where the funding goes.

So, join me, help me help preterm babies financially and I am going to do all the physical hard work.

Lots of love,
Yulian Skoropadyk

My challenge

Someone smart said that there should be three goals for runs like that: C: finish in any condition (possibly walking); B: finish running with at least a couple per cent of energy and power still in a tank; A: finish with a pace of 6 min/km. As I am not that smart, I added the fourth ultimate goal - finish in under 4 hours (crazy, right?).
Yulian has already collected :
Race kit
My target : 1 111 zł

Fundacja Wcześniak

Fundacja Wcześniak for the last 13 years supports parents of premature babies, who at birth weigh as much as a teddy bear or bag of sugar. The Foundation runs a, rental of equipment for the care of preterms, publish free books, manages more than 230 subaccounts, operates at EU level to standardize perinatal care in Europe. więcej »

90% zebranej kwoty trafia na konto wybranej organizacji dobroczynnej, 10% zebranej kwoty jest przeznaczane na utrzymanie i rozwój akcji #BiegamDobrze oraz inne cele statutowe Fundacji „Maraton Warszawski”. Regulamin »