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BWIZA is running for Fundacji DKMS

On March 26th, I will run the 10th New Balance High Five Race.

I want this race to be more than just running and hope to raise money for the DKMS foundation.

Fundacja DKMS provides care for children and adolescents with cancer and for their families – they facilitate access to the latest treatment methods and global achievements in paediatric oncology.

My challenge

I would like to run for this organization and if I raise enough money, perhaps the next challenge will be a half-marathon
LILIANE has already collected :
Race kit
My target : 500 zł

DKMS Foundation

The mission of DKMS Foundation is to find a Donor for every blood cancer Patient in need of stem cells transplantation. DKMS Poland is a member of the DKMS family, one of the world’s largest Bone Marrow Donor Centre. We have been present in Poland since 2008 as an independent public utility organization and the Bone Marrow Donor Centre based on the decision issued by the Minister of Health. At present, we have more than 2 million potential blood stem cell Donors registered in our base, out of which more than 13 000 already donated their cells to Patients who needed them both in Poland and all over the world, thus providing them with a chance for life. więcej »

90% zebranej kwoty trafia na konto wybranej organizacji dobroczynnej, 10% zebranej kwoty jest przeznaczane na utrzymanie i rozwój akcji #BiegamDobrze oraz inne cele statutowe Fundacji „Maraton Warszawski”. Regulamin »